Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wisdom Tip For The Week

Wisdom Tip: Negative People get negative results.

When you spent most of your life thinking negative and listening to negative people you tend to not get anywhere in your life and you lose focus. You could even say that bad company corrupts good character could even apply here. When you listen to negative people telling you that you'll never achieve this or achieve that you want to just avoid them. What do you do when your a young child and one of your parents is the negative person. Unfortunely you have to live under there roof until you turn of age that you can move out. For all of you who current think negative trust me it's a miserable life that leads to depression, stress, anxiety, for some even suicide which is sad and tragic. I use to actually mock positive thinking and thought it was a joke but as I've got older you're life is a lot better and happier when you think positive. Does it mean that your life will be peaches and cream when you think positive? No but you will feel a lot happier and more at peace. Also trying to focus more on God will help you out. Read His Word and study His Word. Also finding positive friends is another thing and it's not always easy to find positive friends because some people are not who they seem but don't give up. Pray for friends that will help you grow in life instead of friends who will bury you like 12 foot of snow.

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