Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wisdom Tip for this week

The Wisdom Tip for This Week Is: It is rude to walk near someone and start coughing around them.

I don't know if any of you have experienced this but some people just don't cover there mouth when they cough and it spreads all kinds of germs and makes people sick. I find it disgusting. I worked at one job and my boss came in with the flu and said he wouldn't come around to anyone's department but he ending up lying and right after lunch he came to my department spreading his flu. I didn't want to be rude but I really wanted to tell my boss to go away and take his flem germing flu elsewhere. has anyone ever experienced this with a boss or going out and about to the mall or the grocery store and have people stand by you and start coughing. Some people in this country just don't have any manners.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wisdom Tip Of The Week

The Wisdom Tip Of The Week Is: For the Love Of Money is the root of all evil.

Now i have no problem with a person making money or a company making decent profits but when it comes to the expense of hurting others then that is when it becomes evil. So often in this country there are certain companies out there who will try to poison people just to make a quick buck. When you go and kill someone just to make a buck then that is when Money is evil. Money itself is not evil it's when you lie, cheat, steal or even murder someone that is when money is evil. Some companies are so evil that when you tell the truth they come after you because they think you are a threat to there profits. If they are lying which in many cases they are then they should be scared but really have no right because our country is based on freedom of speech. If they have the freedom to call me a liar for telling the truth then i have the right to expose companies who act evil by manipulating people and killing them just for profits. The companies that kill people for profits and get by with it just because they have the money the last time I checked murder is murder. Money also is evil because it is the number one cause of divorce in the united states. While having money is nice it's not everything but seems to be when it comes to marriage. Couples tend to break up over money and also some people will only fall in love with someone because they have money. If a woman only loves a man because he has money then 9 times out of 10 she will end up very lonely.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wisdom Tip For The Week

Wisdom Tip For The Week Is: Don't Believe everything you hear about someone because you may miss out on getting to know someone really great.

So often in our society we take one look at a person and judge them without getting to know them. We do it at schools, social events, churches and other places. For some women the rumor i usually hear is this person usually sleeps around with every guy in town. For some men the rumor is that he is a player or a pimp who has a lot of women. Why do some people spread these false rumors about someone well here are the reasons that i can think of ( money, jealous, revenge on an ex spouse or friend, even because someone is honest and they want to bring them down.) I and other people have known have left some churches because people in the church didn't want to take the time to get to know them. While I understand this don't give up on God or even finding a good church because there is a good church out there. It's one thing when you get to know someone and you just don't like them but it's another to just take one look and say I don't like this person. You could even go back to the saying before you point a finger at someone remember there could be three fingers pointing right back at you. So if someone is gossiping or spreading false lies about you then you actually have the right to point fingers back at that person.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wisdom Tip For The Week

The Wisdom Tip For The Week Is : A fool gives full vent to anger but a wise person quietly holds anger back.

People tend to get angry at times for no apparanent reason at all. You will see people out and about who get drunk and then get violent and the alchol takes over them. It can happen to people who normally don't get angry. another way people get angry is bullies at school or even online will act angry and calling this person this name and that name and whatever horrible name you can think of. A lot of times when you feel angry it is best to talk things out but if your too angry then go take a walk and wait until you calm down then talk things out. You will then feel better.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wisdom Tip Of The Week

Wisdom Tip: God gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud.

So often in this country we are too proud that we turn our backs on God. Some of us tend to sit back and think we know more than God. If you actually think that is true then answer me this how did you get created then? You can't create yourself and make yourself born. Another thing that has happened in this country is the way of thinking in this world and even in the churches. some churches are so proud that they treat the Bible like a smorageboard picking and choosing which scriptures we want to obey. I look at it this way the Old Testament applies as much to our lives as the New Testament does. So many times in our lives we become too proud and God has to bring us back and put us in spiritual check. Other ways is some of us have more money than others and we look down on others who don't have money and think we are better than them. Some people have came from people who have money and the truth is if you didn't work for the money then you have no right to be confident about having money. There are just so many subjects that can relate to pride. Another thing is people who act so proud because there in church every single week and think that they are automatically going to heaven and can act any way they want whether it be prideful, rude, stuckup. Yes it is important to go to church but if you don't try and live out the scriptures then going to church really is nothing. We can become so prideful too in thinking we know someone only to come to find out that we didn't really know them at all. I can relate to a situation in high school where there was this beautiful female and I thought that just by looking at her that she was a stuck up female boy was I ever wrong. She is actually one of the sweetest classmates that I ever knew and will actually be kind enough to say hi to me when i see her out in public. You could ever say don't judge a book by it's cover could relate to pride many times. Some Women become so proud in how they look that they will use there bodies to get a man to do what she wants, or will use there bodies to try and move up in a position at work. While there is nothing wrong with being confident and enjoying how beautiful you look it's when it turns into arrogance that a woman's looks will become vain. I'm sure that someone could think about something that I may have missed on in pride. So share your experiences about pride.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wisdom Tip For The Week

Wisdom Tip: Negative People get negative results.

When you spent most of your life thinking negative and listening to negative people you tend to not get anywhere in your life and you lose focus. You could even say that bad company corrupts good character could even apply here. When you listen to negative people telling you that you'll never achieve this or achieve that you want to just avoid them. What do you do when your a young child and one of your parents is the negative person. Unfortunely you have to live under there roof until you turn of age that you can move out. For all of you who current think negative trust me it's a miserable life that leads to depression, stress, anxiety, for some even suicide which is sad and tragic. I use to actually mock positive thinking and thought it was a joke but as I've got older you're life is a lot better and happier when you think positive. Does it mean that your life will be peaches and cream when you think positive? No but you will feel a lot happier and more at peace. Also trying to focus more on God will help you out. Read His Word and study His Word. Also finding positive friends is another thing and it's not always easy to find positive friends because some people are not who they seem but don't give up. Pray for friends that will help you grow in life instead of friends who will bury you like 12 foot of snow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wisdom Tip for this week

It is wonderful and great to see dreams come true but some foolish people will lie and manipulate to achieve there dreams.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wisdom Tip Of The Week

The Wisdom tip of the week is : You can have all the knowledge in the world but if you don't have love then the knowledge you know is vain.

Introduction to the site

I just wanted to let everyone know what this site is going to be about. I will post a wisdom tip for the week and will let people comment on it. For example I might post something like this ( when you feel like your going to belch cover you mouth. I will also try to post ads on my page too so if you see one you'd like to click on then click on it. Many of my tips are common sense tips and i feel that we are lacking common sense along with some decenty. I am not a counselor and I can't fix your life but i can give you some tips that could help your life. What you do with my wisdom tips is up to you. You can hate me for having this knowledge or you can say this guy is powerful because he has some knowledge. I'm not here to preach to anyone although if you dont like me mentioning God who created you then this site if not for you. You can even disagree with me which is fine because we all don't think the same on everything. You can even talk about your experiences but all i ask is that you don't cuss on this site because I am trying to make this a family appropriate site. So sit back and comment or talk about your experiences about any of my tips you've experienced.